A couple of weekends ago I finished re-running all the house connections to the main breaker on the main floor. Which then allowed me to run the new wire for the 100amp sub panel in the basement. It is the same old panel, but I moved it to the " furnace room" ( what I call the operations room). I had to run a 3AWG wire which is a bitch. I drilled 1 1/4" holes through the joists with the occasional 1 1/2" It took 2 of use the push/pull the wire through.
Drilled onto 1/2" plywood.

All the new basement connections will be made here. Allot of power will be going to the studio room. With full lighting and effects the basement could be drawing up to 80 amps.

Weight: ...maybe 70lbs

Main breaker. Most difficult hook-up ever. the wire simply does not bend. I tried to have a little bit of a loop within the box. nearly inpossible.
do i sitilllll get the basement??!!?