Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Electrical Done! Heating in!

Here is Tristan and Greg helping clear the ready to insulate area of the basement. The Studio will be done at a latter date.

Finally Done !!!!
All the electrical wiring is done in order for the basement to be drywalled, all except the Studio.
Well.... not exactly... today the wire for the air conditioning needs to be run so.... But really we are done.
We have also run the CAT5 internet/telephone wire, and CAT6 wire, which although nothing uses it yet, one day they hopefully will. Also ran the coaxial RG6 for cable and RG59 for CCTV which we may eventually put in. The RG6 can handle the high definition signal, CCTV only needs the 59 but also needs to be powered by 18/2 from a cental transformer or adapter. You can also get the RG59+18/2 in combination which is also called siamese cable. Cat 5 was also used for the intercom.
And in True Rohon Style : we have internet connections on the kitchen counter.

We have also decided to run the ventilation through the mechanical room. More on that to come.

Also Got all them heating lines in thanks to our plumber Murry next door. He has been a lifesaver. It's been 4 year since the old oil powered coal furnace was disconnected. And while the new electrical one is not yet installed... it won't be much longer.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New old subpanel

A couple of weekends ago I finished re-running all the house connections to the main breaker on the main floor. Which then allowed me to run the new wire for the 100amp sub panel in the basement. It is the same old panel, but I moved it to the " furnace room" ( what I call the operations room). I had to run a 3AWG wire which is a bitch. I drilled 1 1/4" holes through the joists with the occasional 1 1/2" It took 2 of use the push/pull the wire through.
Drilled onto 1/2" plywood.

All the new basement connections will be made here. Allot of power will be going to the studio room. With full lighting and effects the basement could be drawing up to 80 amps. Weight: ...maybe 70lbs

Main breaker. Most difficult hook-up ever. the wire simply does not bend. I tried to have a little bit of a loop within the box. nearly inpossible.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

More grass.......holly crap

We are finished with the landscaping, some irrigation systems and gardening still needs to get done, but all the concrete has been poured, all the walls are up, as well as a bunch of random posts.

As for the exterior lighting, we have gone with a lot of small garden lights from homedepot, and Kichler. The Kichler ones of course being more expensive. Kichler is one that we bought the 300W transformer from through a local irrigation and landscaping store.

Before I go anyfurther her is a photo of what the landscape was going to look like,,,, it is very similar to what turned out. Just replace the new extension in the back yard with grass.
Many many years ago, we ran teck wire from the panel to behind the hot tub as well as a couple other locations. It wasn't necessary for us to use tech wire, we could of simply run lumex wire shielded within a pvc pipe. But what is done is done. Since we have fed wire to behind the hot tub, I have installed a receptacle and switch ( for a post light) to power some garden lights in that area that can be switched on from inside. This is separate from the rest of the lighting that is being fed from the main 300 W transformer in the front which will be on a timer.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I came home over the weekend to find some green plant like growth on the forlawn. Something I had not seen since the day we dug our house out of the ground, and the diesel super machines clear cut the landscape. It was in fact grass, being watered by the newly installed irrigation system ( thanks to marco). The front lawn has freshly planted seed on it. And the backyard will soon be planted. The irrigation system is has 6 valves with a controler that is installed on the side of the house; or at least, I tried to instal it over the weekend.
All the rockwall is completely DONE.
And soon they will finish the driveway.

I almost installed the irrigation timer and an exterior GFIC plug to power some of the landscape lighting. I had almost finished when the head of one of the screws broke off..... so i was unable to secure the plug.

And me and Marco do some tilling. Under the carfull eye of Mr. Rohon..... which leads to many delays. O and the towel heater just came in .... it's a beast.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5th update!

I'll start by saying that bathroom progress has come to a standstill. Right now it's painted, and my dad started to do the tile work around the tub and shower unit. But that was a couple weeks ago. But I guess on a positive note, my brothers have gotten used to not having a shower in the house.
A lot of progress has been made outside in the last couple weeks. The rockwall is basically complete, with all the concrete caps finished. They still need to pour the platform around the hot tub, and pour dirt in certain areas and such. They where waiting on the irrigation system to be installed, which thanks to Marco, I believe is on its way. The West side ( as seen above ) of the house was once again ..... i believe for the 3rd time...... was dug up and the foundation was patched and sealed. This TIME PRoperly !!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bathtub adventures.

So this video displays a very accurate representation of every day work at the Rohon house.
Listen Very carefully!

So as you noticed the tub was initial filled up in the bedroom before moving into the bathroom. Once the Tub made it in, it took quite some time to get it installed.
Also the electrical is all done.... except maybe that dimmer switch..... the ceiling is drywalled, and we have a new carpenter, who is actually are old carpenter, Tom ,,,, old Tom vs. young Tom who was are new carpenter but is now are old carpenter.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rockwall almost done.

Well well well , it looks as though we are finally going to finish something. The rock wall is just about done. I got news today that they have also pored the front walkway; but of course, with a few complications. I sounds as though it took 3 cement trucks to get the job done since the first one didn't have enough, and the second one, they messed up the mix.

We will finally be able to use that hot tub.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Epic week off.

It was indeed an epic week. I was able to get a lot done .... although we never finished all the bathroom related wiring, i did basically redo a lot of it and finished all the plugs and switches. And passed the rough-in electrical inspection.
The picture below of is of me in the crawl space trying to feed the fishing tape into the ceiling of the upstairs foyer: we had to feed wires for the smoke alarm, and two lights.
It was very hot and humid in the crawl space.... and dark ...... but there's some interesting stuff in there.

Downstairs bedroom, and all the upstairs bedrooms I worked on this weekend. Redid all the switches and lights( had to put new retrofit boxes in for the most part) I left the house with no power in the upstairs..... except the bathroom. I don't know if that is still the case.A list of all the electrical that still needs to be redone:
-Dining room lights
-Kitchen lights
-Ceiling fan
-Galen/Juan-Luke bedroom light ( that one is going to suck)
-Stove and dishwasher
-Hotwater heater and Furnace
-A couple plugs upstairs and a couple connections for outside lights ( more crawl space!!!!)

Then I can start on the basement.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 20 video

This is an update of what the house looks like.
May 20th. After a few more days of destruction.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 13+14

Progress continues on the rockwall! Slowly though, but it's going to look real good. Inside, on the other hand, is continuing to deconstruct itself. I'v had to redo the " Control panel" in the bathroom due to the wall moving out an inch to properly fit the bath. The bathroom circuits are also now wired to the main breaker and I'v wired the bathroom fan.!! woot!!!

In the hall way, we are installing the smoke detectors and the lights. The lights are going to be two sets of track lights conected with an "L" conector..... which .... doesn't exist in grey..... the same colour of our tracks. We also will need to cut them for them to fit.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Luke says:

This is stupid. I havent had a light in my room for about.. 5 months. I hope we can finish the electrical soon, but this shouldnt get in the way of the bathroom, the rockwall, the yard........


I will upload pictures soon.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rockwall started

Finally after 1 year of planning, the rockwall is finally getting built. The rock wallers arrived some time last week to drop off all the rocks, concrete, and sand. Today they started the front. The wall is made of a mix of rocks, but I think it's mostly granite.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bathtub arrived.

Yes finally after two failed deliveries, the tub has arrived. How the f*** did they get it into the house? It is a tub/ shower combo unit, with leds and air jets, thats why its so big. To get it into the bathroom eventually, we had to cut a hole in the wall of the bathroom.
That's the 12" shower head for the shower... it's also not the only one.. yes this was my dads idea.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Some holes filled.

Well now we have a couple holes filled .... i don't know what the story is ... Tristan ... fill me in.
By the look of these pictures, it would seem that my dad hired you.

Re-plumbing the house.

Thanks to our great neighbor Murry, all the piping downstairs has been recessed into the ceiling. As well, he has done all the plumbing for the new bathroom. And new laundry closet( talk about that in a future post.)

As you can see, the pipes are all hanging out everywhere, which is just fine for a basement, but we plan to start finishing the studio soon. That black abs pipe is in its new location so that is doesn't go through the ceiling of the studio.

Lots of progress

Wow I'v been gone for 3 weeks and a lot has happened. Only leaving the house in a more chaotic state. There is no a bunk bed in the front entrance of the house, and piles of rock in the backyard
I'll go over everything in detail in the next few posts. OUR NEIGHBORS LOVE US!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bathroom electrical

So two weeks back while I was in Victoria for the weekend I started and almost finished the electrical for the bathroom. It was then that I discovered that our bathroom my have for electrical circuits than our kitchen. When finished, we will have a virtual control panel of switches and dials.I spent almost the whole weekend doing this. Apparently we are going to have a towel dryer, LED bathtub, and a 12" shower head.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where we are now.

It all started March 14th 2005, I think.  I believe Johnny phoned me up and asked if he could clean out my basement. At least I think it was johnny. So all during spring break we emptied out the basement. At which point my dad decided to intervene...    well ..... I finish the story another time. 
Basically our current situation is as follows:
We have no yard .... its more like a wasteland ... a gravel wasteland. We are waiting to get a rockwall. We have piles of sand and gravel in the drive way. The basement has a floor ( concrete ) and is framed ... but thats about it. The kitchen is in very interesting shape. The living room has a large whole in it with 
wires sticking out. (the electrical panel ) The upstairs is partly without power .. as well as the kitchen. The plans for the garage  are,,,, well ,,, just sitting there. The bathroom is not. As in not there, as in non existent. completely gutted. And did I mention we have no central heating system. The asbestos furnace was finally removed last month. 

So now we begin the journey back again.